Preparing for your little one to arrive can seem like an endless list of things to buy or organise. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and as a first time mum you might have no idea what to pack for your labour and birth bag.
A lot of mums overpack certain items which they don’t really need and scrimp on the items that they do need. Just remember that babies make a lot of mess and really like to soil and vomit all over their lovely new clothes, especially when you have just changed them.
As a new mum after you have had baby you will bleed for around 10 days. At first it will feel like a heavy period so make sure you have plenty of changes of clothes and underwear.
I have compiled a list of helpful items that I have personally used for both of my babies which I hope that you will find helpful.
For Mum:
Water bottle
Night dress - easy access for breastfeeding
Comfortble or disposable Knickers
Feeding tops
Nursing bra
Loose fitting clothes
Breast pads
Sanitary pads - maternity ones
Nipple cream
Toiletries don't forget the lip balm and an hair tie if needed.
Clothes to come home in
Warm socks
Cardigan or dressing gown for night time
For Baby:
Baby wipes
Nappy cream
Cotton pads
Nappy sacks
Swaddle wrap or cloths - large
Blanket x 2
Hats x 2
Socks x 5
Baby grows
Hand mittens
Dirty bag for soiled clothes
Outfit to go home in
Car seat
Milestone card for photos
Don't forget to pack your hospital notes and phone charger.
For Dad:
Change of clothes
Warm socks
Change for parking
Phone & charger
Sleeping clothes